Ok, windows knows where perl is now. But my htdocs is in a completely different place. And the hostname changes too.
No idea if this will stand the test of time, but here's my figure out where I function right now, which appears to work on both my windows XP laptop and the linux host I use most often:
(my $script, my $path, my $script_url, my $script_url_path, my $host) = figure_out_script_and_path();
sub figure_out_script_and_path{
my $script, my $path, my $script_url, my $script_url_path, my $host;
if ($0 =~ m#^\w:#){ # should be true on a windows host
$script = $0;
$script =~ s#^\w:.*\/##; #remove path
$path = $0;
$path =~ s#(^\w:.*)\/[^\/]*$#$1#; # remove name of script
else { # assume path starts with a slash:
$script = $0;
$script =~ s#^\/.*\/##; #remove path
$path = $0;
$path =~ s#(^\/.*)\/[^\/]*$#$1#; # remove name of script
$script_url = $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"};
$script_url_path = $script_url;
$script_url_path =~s#(^\/.*)\/[^\/]*$#$1#;
$host = $ENV{"SERVER_NAME"};
return ($script, $path, $script_url, $script_url_path, $host);
Would you believe that windows live writer doesn't have a "code" option in the format menu? And I'm afraid I'm too lazy to edit the source. :)
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